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Great Job NFVB Nation!

By NFVB Staff, 04/19/24, 10:15AM EDT


Here’s our Blog Agenda:

1. Great Job
2. Good Luck
3. Canned Food Drive
4. Pop-Up Sale Tent

1. Great Job!

NFVB staff would like to say “great job” to all of our NFVB teams who competed in the WEVA Bid Qualifier last weekend. A special congratulations to our five teams who earned a bid to Nationals in Las Vegas, NV!

2. Good Luck this Weekend!

Good Luck to the teams who are competing this weekend at the following tournaments:
Eden VBC Memorial
The Battle of Lake Erie
WEVA Dig Fest

Try to implement our quote of the month as best as you can this weekend! Here it is to remind you:

 “To be the best, you have to demand the best from yourself.”
- April Ross

Do your best, have fun, and give 100% always  - NFVB nation is rooting you on and cheering for you always. Let’s support each other if we are at the same tournaments this weekend!

3. Food Drive

NFVB has been hosting a food drive since March 30. The last day to drop off any food is April 29. All food donated will be dropped off by NFVB staff on the morning of April 30 to FeedMore WNY in honor of NFVB Nation. Please consider to drop something off - even if it is just one can. Think about it - if everyone in NFVB nation brought one can to practice… that’s a lot of food!

To learn/read more about what you can donate, please visit their website or click here for their healthy food wishlist

Please do not drop off fresh produce or anything that can spoil - we are hosting a month-long food drive that will be dropped off at the end of the month!

4. Pop-Up Tent NEXT WEEK!

Our pop-up tent sale is NEXT WEEK:

Wednesday, April 24 & Thursday, April 25 | 6 - 8 PM
Friday, April 26 | 5 - 7 PM | Supplies will be short on Friday!
This will be set up in the front foyer at the dates and times shown above.